Join us in September on the fifth edition of the Paris Museum Retail Tour.
The tours are a recurring, inspiring ritual for everyone who is involved in the development, production, collection and presentation of artsy products and who wants to keep up-to-date with trends in museum retail. Will you join us on 5 and 6 September?

Cultural spaces as retail // Retail as cultural space
The central theme of this edition is the merging of retail and branding on the one hand, and art and culture on the other.
Museums increasingly understand how to translate their collections and exhibitions into merchandise; more and more shops and brands are changing into cultural hotspots with a well-considered range of concerts, exhibitions and meet-ups.
You don’t have to visit a museum, gallery or concert hall to experience art and culture, at the same time, the appeal of museum stores for home deco, gifts and tableware is growing rapidly. We’ll experience, watch and discuss this on Friday in Paris!
On Saturday, we’ll visit Maison&Objet, the trade fair for lifestyle, design and decoration where we’ll meet exhibitors with products and assortments relevant to museum and concept stores. Yes, you want those contacts!
Optional: Thursday evening 5 September 2019
Experience the power of retail design in the all-new Galeries Lafayette on the Champs Elysées; “shaking up the conventional notions of a concept store, on the scale of a department store”. Here you will find the latest fashion, lifestyle, and beauty collections from emerging designers and luxury brands, strictly curated and spectacularly presented.
Friday, September 6, 2019
A full day in which we visit the following addresses. In the museum shops, we’ll talk (in English) with the managers, visual merchandisers and/or buyers.
- Musée du Parfum or Fragonard: heritage as a sales tool
- Boutique of Opéra Garnier: recently renovated shop of the national opera
- Lunch at Merci: a must see, every time
- Empreintes: arts & crafts to the max
- Boutique Musée Picasso: destination store
- Lafayette Anticipation – the other – arty – side of Galeries Lafayette
- Boutique Center Pompidou – with a special shop for the Paris Design Week
Saturday, September 7, 2019
- Reception and networking at Maison&Objetwith exhibition ambassadors Anna Borsboom and Edward van Vliet
- Explanation about the design of the exhibition
- Tour de M&O – getting to know companies and brands with an offer that is relevant to museum stores and concept stores
* Program subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances
Will you join us?
The Paris Museum Retail Tours are a must for everyone who loves museums and museum stores, needs a fresh look and wants to meet colleagues. Do you recognize yourself based on the 4 questions below? If so, then join us when;
- You work for a museum shop, for example as a buyer, Visual Merchandiser or manager
- You design or produce special products
- You are looking for commercial support for your cultural productions
- You want to connect your company more with art, culture and / or history
Practical information
Costs for participation amount to € 525 (excluding VAT). This includes:
- All tickets and transportation on Friday and Saturday
- Ticket for Maison & Objet week of € 70
- Lunch at Merci
- Dinner on Friday evening
Optional: travel service
Travel and stay arranged to perfection? We enjoy working together with travel agency Vos Van Loon & Partners. They ensure that we stay in hotels in the same neighbourhood and also arrange your train or airline tickets.
Sign Up
Are you on board? Then send an email to Anna Borsboom: anna@stylink.nlor Ellen Groenveld Still have questions? Call Ellen: + 31 (0)6 1 6969556.
An initiative of Cultuur & Retail and Stylink
The Paris Museum Retail Tours are an initiative of Anna Borsboom (Stylink) and Ellen Groenveld (Culture and Retail). In our Tours, buyers, suppliers and producers of museum retail explore the commercial and artistic opportunities for art, culture and merchandise. Anna and Ellen also provide tours in other places and countries upon request. Keep posted!